Sunday, August 23, 2020

Well Met Review


Well Met
By: Jen DeLuca 

I really enjoyed reading this book. I gave it 5 stars. 
This book is about Emily who is helping out her older sister, April who was hurt in an car accident. 
One day she takes her niece, Caitlin to the first meeting of the Ren Faire that  her high school puts on every summer. Unknown to her she has to volunteer in order for her niece to be able to join. She isn't happy about it but she does this for her niece who really wants to be a part of this faire.
Here she meets other adults in this small town. She also meets the guy who is in charge of the faire and they don't get off to good start. She signs up to be a tavern wench. 
The practices are every weekend until summer starts and then the faire is every weekend for six weeks. There is a lot to do and learn to be prepare for the faire. 
Emily's life is a mess and she doesn't know what to do after her sister get's better. She has come off a bad relationship that lasted five years and never finished college.
Simon the guy who is charge has a lot going on also. He is the high school English teacher besides taking control of the faire. His life hasn't been easy the last three years and he is trying to work everything by himself. He is stuck in a riot and won't ask for help.
The two of them get involved but have some problems. Can they work it out? What will Emily do once her sister gets better? Can Simon ask for help?
I highly recommend that you read this book for all the fun it offers you.

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