Friday, August 31, 2018

N.E.W.T.S Part 2

 It is the last day of August so I will report on how well I did on my NEWTS Exams. I was able to get two more exams done. So that means I passed five exams total. This is pretty good in my eyes.
The photo above is what I read for the Potions Exams. First test was to read a book with a color in the title so I read The Red Queen By: Victoria Aveyard. Second test was to read a book with a male lead character so I read The Jefferson Key By: Steve Berry (Yes this book covered a lot of different reading challenges this month.). Final test was to read a book with over 350 pages so I read Nevernight By: Jay Kristoff ( you must read this book it was fantastic).
The last exam I completed was Transfiguration and these are the books that I read. First test was to read a book with a grey cover so I read Persuasion By: Jane Austin. I am pretty sure I am now done reading all of her books. I really don't like her writing style and I am so glad that I am done. Second test was to read a new to you author so  read Hello, Universe By: Erin Entrada Kelly. This book won the Newbery Award for this year. I was not impressed with it. Third and final test was to read a book set in a kingdom/has royals so I read A Darker Shade Of Magic By: V. E. Schwab. Again another book you should read it was great.
There were three exams that I didn't complete and they were Ancient Runes, History of Magic and Muggle Studies. I did get some of the books read but I will tell you about them in my August wrap up. Until next time keep reading.

Monday, August 27, 2018

Thriller-A-Thon and Cosmo Readathon

I have tried to two read-a-thon on the same week and didn't do to well. I also was sick during this week so that didn't help.
There were 5 challenges for the Thriller-A-Thon and 6 challenges for the Cosmo readathon. I tried to double up my books.
First up the Cosmo readathon challenges and the books that I read to meet those challenges.
1. Read a book that suits a song lyric. Didn't complete
2. Read a book set in an environment completely different to yours. I read The Jefferson Key by Steve Berry. It was set in several areas.  Washington DC, New York City, North Carolina, and Canada
3. Read a book that intimidates you. Didn't finish the book. Started reading Coma by Robin Cook
4. Read a book that reminds you of your childhood. Didn't complete
5. Buddy- Read a book. I read The Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab
6. Read any book that has been featured in a Cosmo readers poll. Didn't complete.
Now for Thriller-A-Thon challenges and the books I read to meet those challenges.
1. Read the thriller you're most anticipating. Didn't complete
2. Read the thriller that's been on your TBR the longest.  I read One Of Us Is Lying by: Karen M. McManus
3. Read the thriller you most recently added to your TBR. Didn't complete
4. Read the thriller with best cover. Started but didn't finish Something In The Water by Catherine Steadman
5. Revisit a thriller book or Author. I read Blaze By Stephen King (Richard Bachman)

I was hoping to do a lot more reading but being sick put a big dent into my plans. But for the month I have done really well so I can't complain. There are still four days left in this month so hopefully I can finish what I started. Until next time keep reading.

Friday, August 24, 2018

Zora and Me: The Cursed Ground Review

                                                              Zora and Me: The Cursed Ground

Zora and Me: The Cursed Ground By: T.R. Simon
Children's Fiction    Middle Grade 272 Pages  Release Date September 11, 2018 Publisher: Candlewick Press
<img src="" width="80" height="80" alt="Professional Reader" title="Professional Reader"/>
Okay now that I got all the information that Net Galley wants me to put onto each of my reviews I can now review this book.
I enjoyed this book a lot. I gave it 4.5 stars.
This book is about two girls named Zora and Me(Carrie Brown). They learn a lot about their little towns history in this story. The town is called Eatonville, Florida. This town is a color town meaning only color people live here. The town was established in around 1887.
This story takes place in the summer of 1903
Carrie is staying with Zora and her family while her mom is off working with a sick baby. One night it is raining and the neighbors horses get loose. This is unusual so the girls go to check on the neighbor, Mr. Polk who is a mute. They find him beaten up and go to find the healer who people claim to be a witch. They soon discover that Mr. Polk is able to talk but in a foreign language and not very often. The healer is Old Lady Bronson.
Here is the reason why I only gave the book 4.5 stars it went into a flash back and I it took me almost half way through the book to figure out why.
The story turns to the year 1855 and talks about a little girl called Lucia. This little girl is friends with a white girl named Prisca. Prisca Dad brings them both to Florida to marry a lady Miss Caroline. Lucia is made into a slave and having to learn about a new of way life. The book keeps flashing back every now and then to keep you informed about what happened.
I could tell you about the book but then you want to read it and I highly recommend that you do. Ms. Simon does a wonderful job telling the way the country was back in that time that needs to be told.
You will enjoy the twist and turns this story tells. You will not want to put the book down.
Zora loves adventures and can get into a lot of scrapes. They see a ghost or two and that is unnerving to them. One quote that I liked is when Zora says "I know you go anyway, even though you're scared and you're right it doesn't make you a scaredy-cat. It makes you brave."
You must read this book to your children and help them learn about our history because the schools are slowly fading out this part of history.

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Barnes and Noble Haul

 Yes I did again. I went to Barnes and Noble. Actually I bought these last month and had coupons. I went for only two books as you can see I came home with a lot more than 2. The R.L. Stine book is new and I know that David likes his writing so I had to pick it up. I have seen it a few times and just never picked it up. I picked up the Stephen King book and The Diabolic because they were marked down and sounded interesting. I have been reading a lot of Stephen King lately. Sea Witch sounded so interesting on some you tube channels that I had to pick it up. It is almost like a little mermaid retelling but not. It is more a Ursula retelling. The next two books are what I went to buy. The Serpentine is another Anita Blake book that I have slowly been reading. I have a long way to go to finish that series I am only on book 12 in this series. I always try to get Sandra Browns newest book when it comes out. She is one of my favorite authors so I always pick up her newest book. Doesn't matter what it is because usually it is good. She hasn't really disappointed me. NeverWorld Wake is another that I have been hearing a lot about. It is suppose to be a thriller. I will have to see if it is any good. The List is a book about a world who are only allowed to speak 500 words a day. It is like The Giver. I liked The Giver so want to check out this book. I might read it David to see if he will like it. The last book is another crochet mystery novel.  
This series I bought from Barnes and Noble website. I couldn't find the whole series in the store. I got them for 15% off plus my member discount and free shipping. This is a series I have been meaning to finish since I read Red Rising a few years ago but never did. So now I will have reread Red Rising before I can read the rest of the series. I am not sure if Iron Gold is part of the series or not but I wanted to be prepare just in case. I can't tell you too much about this series because I have forgotten a lot of it. Can't wait to start this again mostly likely in the new year. I need to finish up some other series first.
So many books not enough time. Until next time keep reading.

Monday, August 20, 2018

Read Your Face Off 24 Hour Read A Thon

 On August 18th I decided to take part in a 24 hour readathon. This readathon started at 9 am on the 18th and went until 8:59 am on the 19th. What makes this readathon different was that there was a bingo board for you to fill out and the challenges were tre for you to pick and choose.
Here are the books that I read a part of or completely. The good thing also about this readathon was that you only had to finish one book. The rest of the challenges let read you read part of a book to work the challenges. I will tell you the challenges that I completed with each book. Aru Shah and the End Of Time By: Roshani Chokshi completed the following book with purple on cover, Book with "R" in Authors name, book with "R" in the title. I read 14 pages in this book. The Jefferson Key By: Steve Berry completed Running Character, "R" in title and author, number 19 drinking a hot drink while reading and it is a thriller. I read 341 pages in this book. The Deal of A Lifetime By: Fredrik Backman completed R in the authors name, art in book, I read it outside, finish a book, find the 2 and 19, beach and dogs. This book has 65 pages.
Chato's KitchenMckissack Patricia : Flossie & the Fox Tr (Hardback) - CommonMartin's Big Words: The Life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.                              Hershel and the Hanukkah Goblins: 25th Anniversary Edition                                                  
Flossie and The Fox By: Patricia McKissack completed yellow on the cover, "R" in authors name, finish a book, taken place in summer in the month of August and has a dog. This book has 32 pages.
Chato's Kitchen By: Gary Soto complete yellow on the cover, "R" in the author's name and finish a book. This book has 32 pages. Martin's Big Words By: Doreen Rappaport completed "R" in the title and author's name and finish a book. This book has 32 pages. Hershel and the Hanukkah Goblins By: Eric Kimmel completed "R" in title and authors name, finish a book and yellow on cover. This book has 3o pages. Why did I read these 4 children's book, well I have a book that list 100 children's book you should read and I haven't read these. This was a perfect time to read them.
I know this isn't a very good photo of my completed bingo board. I was only able to complete one bingo. As you can see I came close on several more. I think this was a pretty good job considering that we had Missionaries over for dinner on Saturday night and Church Sunday morning. I am always trying to find ways to read more and different genres. I read a total of 546 pages. Completed 5 books.
There is a good reads group for this readathon. It is called Read Your Face Off. They do a 24 hour readathon every month. I don't always join in but try when it works into my schedule. That is how I spent my week-end. Until next time keep reading.

Friday, August 17, 2018

NEWTS (Nastyily Exhausting Wizarding Tests) Part 1

 I have past some of my NEWTS so I wanted to give you the midway update. The firs exam that I have passed is Herbology. I needed to read three books to get an outstanding. These are the ones that I choose. The first one was Hooked on Murder I read this for booktubeathon and posted a review and that was because I needed a book with green on the cover. The second book The Giraffe and Pelly and Me because I needed a book with illustrations. The third book The Shape of Water because I needed a book with a title with light, air, sun, or water. The last book was extremely weird and wasn't thrilled with it. It didn't make since at all.
 The next set of test that I completed was Divination. One book isn't shown. Again I had to read three books. Book one was Ready Player One because it was set in the future. Book two which isn't shown was Freaky Friday because it is under 200 pages. Book three is The Hidden Oracle because it has Mythology.
The last test I have completed so far this month is Care Of Magical Creatures. So that I don't have to keep writing it every test you must read three books to pass. Book one is Little Lord Fauntleroy because there is an animal on the cover. I also read this book for the Booktubeathon. Book two is Haunted House because it is less than 160 pages. Book three is The Lost Continent because I needed a book with dragons.
There are five more tests that I am working on. Two are almost done just missing one book to read. Three I haven't even started. I will keep you posted on my progress.
Until next time keep reading.

Thursday, August 16, 2018

NeverNight Review

                                                                 Nevernight (The Nevernight Chronicle)
NEVERNIGHT By: Jay Kristoff
Adult Fantasy                429 pages

This was an amazing book. At times I just couldn't put it down. This is the first book of a trilogy. I will be reading the 2nd book, Godsgrave soon.
This book is about Mia Corvere who is seeking vengeance against the powers that destroyed her family. At the age of 10 her father was hung and her mother and baby brother were sent the Philosophers stone, prison. She was to be drowned but escaped.
During her flight she is robbed and get's a shadow friend who happens to be in the shape of a cat. She calls her friend Mister Kindly. A retire killer takes her in and trains her in the art of fighting. At 16 she leaves and heads out to join the Red Church. On her way she meets a young man, named Tric and an older woman named Naev.
 Naev ends up being a member of the Red Church. She learns that Tric also wants to join the Red Church. Each have their reasons for joining.
To join the Red Church you have to go through deadly trials. If you survive to initiation you will be inducted among the chosen of the Lady of Blessed Mother. If she makes it this far she will be one step closer to her goal of revenge.
This book takes you through her trials and friendships and enemies. Why was her family targeted? Who are her friends? Who are her enemies? What is Tric to her? Does she make it into the Red Church? You have to read to find out the answer to these questions. I highly recommend this book I gave it 4.5 stars.

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Hooked On Murder Review

                                                                Hooked on Murder (A CROCHET MYSTERY Book 1)
Hooked On Murder By: Betty Hechtman
Cozy Mystery           280 pages
Setting: Tarzana, California

I just love quick and fun mysteries. This book was one of those. I gave this book 4 stars. It is the first book in a series but not the first one I have read of hers. I have read this series out of order. It was nice to finally know somethings about the main character.
The main character is Molly Pink and she is a widow. Her husband left her in a good position so that she didn't have to work if she didn't want to. She has decided to go work and she works at a book store as an event coordinator. One of the events she has is a crocheting club, which she doesn't know how to do at the beginning of the book. The main leader in this group is murder and who finds her. You guess it it is Molly. You learn about the crochet leader and Molly in this book. One of the detectives is dating Molly and the other has it out for her because she wants Molly boyfriend.  Did Molly kill the crochet leader? What about the boyfriend issue.I am afraid to go into a lot of detail because I don't want to spoil it for you.
At the back of the book the author gives you a recipe and a crochet pattern. I always like the little extras.
I hope you read this book and the rest of the series. They are fun.

Monday, August 13, 2018

Bob Review

Bob By: Wendy Mass and Rebecca Stead
Children's Fiction     216 pages

The copy of this book I have is a B&N Exclusive Edition so it has a bonus chapter in it.
I picked up this book to read to my son, David. This book takes place in Australia.
It has been five years since Livy has visited her Grandmother in Australia. Now that she has returned she has a feeling she is forgetting something. She goes into her mom's old bedroom where she stayed before and she opens up the closet and out comes this small greenish creature in a chicken suit. This creature is named Bob. He has been waiting five years for Livy to come back for him. He doesn't know who or what he is and five years ago Livy promised to find out. Now it is time for Livy to keep that promise. Bob has a big job helping Livy remember things from five years ago. When Livy is away from Bob for any length of time she starts forgetting about him. As you read the story it takes you through some fun events to help solve the mystery of who Bob is. This was a fun story. There are differences of how Australia talk and what things are called in that country compared to ours. I would recommend that you read this book. We gave it 4 stars.

Saturday, August 11, 2018

The Arc Thrift Shop Book Haul

Here is another book haul for you to enjoy.
I bought these a while ago and forgot to post about them. I have read two of the books. The Book Thief, I read this book a while ago but enjoyed it so much that I wanted to add it to my book shelves.
Plum Lucky I read earlier this year. I have been trying to get through this series but it has been slow going. Not because the series is bad but because there are so many books that I want to read. I also need to break up a huge series so that I don't get bored or tired of the series.
I have started collecting the Sue Grafton series but haven't started reading it yet. I would like to have as many of the books before I start. Nothing worse than to start a series and then you can't continue on because you don't have the rest or you have a long wait before the next book comes out.
I also found two Cornelia Funke books. I enjoyed reading Ink Heart and I also read the other two books in that series but didn't like them as much. I wanted to try her other books and so I picked them up. I will probably read them with David. The Iron Trial By: Holly Black and Cassandra Clare is another book that I will probably read with David is another book that I picked up. I have read a couple of books by both of these authors and want to see how they work together on writing. I am not sure what is about but the back mentions something about magic. David likes magical things so we will give it a try. There is another book to this series so we might wait to see if I can find the second one.
I know this next book has more in the series but it is the first time I saw it in the store so I picked it up. I have also seen the movie so I want to see what the book is like. The book I am talking about is Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children. This is not something I normally pick up to read. The series is about a mysterious island that has an abandoned orphanage. The book has pictures and a strange story to go along with them.
If I stay is the last book in the photo that I need to talk about. Again I have seen the movie already. To be honest I didn't know there was a book so finding the book was a gem. I liked the movie so lets see if the book is even better. For the most part the book is better but sometimes not. The back of the book says, In an instant, Mia's whole world is shattered, leaving her with only questions. What will happen if she leaves? If she loves? If she stays? Heartbreaking, romantic, and ultimately filled with hope, this is a powerful story of love and loss, and finding the courage to make the right decision when your life is literally in your hands. It sounds so good.
Ok those are the books that I bought and I hope this helps you with some ideas for reading. Until next time keep reading.

Thursday, August 9, 2018

A Skeleton in the Family Review

                                                                  A Skeleton in the Family (A Family Skeleton Mystery)
A Skeleton in the Family By: Leigh Perry
Cozy Mystery    291 pages
Takes place in Penny Cross, Massachusetts

This is a mystery novel so I won't be going into much detail. I don't want to spoil anything.
This book is about a college Professor, Georgia, who hasn't been able to hold down a position for more than a year at time. Her boss's always want her to write a book but she can never find time with all she has to do.. She is a single mom of a teenage daughter, Madison.
She has received a teaching job at her hometown college where her parents teach. Her parents have tenured at this college and have taken a sabbatical for the semester. She moves back home to help with her finances.
Her daughter doesn't know that the family has a secret. That secret is the living, walking, talking skeleton called Sid. Sid followed Georgia home one day when she was 6 years old. He has been with them since. Sid doesn't want Madison to know that he is around. He does everything to keep himself away from her.
One day Sid talks Georgia into letting him out and have a little fun. He goes in disguise. He sees and recognizes someone while he out. This starts him to remember some of his pass but not enough. So they decide to start finding who he really is and what happened to him.
Who is Sid? Where did he come from? Why is he able to walk and talk? What happened to him?
All of questions are answered in this book. This is a good book and a fun mystery. I recommend that you give it try.

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Booktubeathon reads

I took part in another readathon. This readathon was called booktubeathon. It ran from July 30th -August 5th.
This happens every year in the summer. I tried doing this last year but I was just starting out with readathons and didn't well.
There are seven reading challenges along with video challenges and Instagram challenges. I didn't do any of the video challenges and only ended up doing two of the Instagram challenges.
I will tell you the reading challenges along with the book I matched with the challenge. I will also tell you if I finished the challenge.
1. Let a coin toss decide your first read. This challenge was between Common Sense and The Pilgrim's Progress. The Pilgrim's Progress won this challenge. I did get this book read and gave it 3 stars.
2.Read a book about something you want to do. The book I chose for this was Hooked on Murder By; Betty Hechtman. I want to work in a book store and crochet. I really enjoyed this book and gave it 4 stars. This book has one recipe and a crochet pattern in the back. I plan on doing a review for this book in the future.
3.Read and watch a book to movie adaptation. For this I chose Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.  I gave the book 3 stars and the movie 4.5. I love the movie and Dick Van Dyke. As normal the book and movie don't have a whole lot in common but both were fun.
4.Read a book with a green cover. For this I read Little Lord Fauntleroy. I gave it 3 stars.
5.Read a book while wearing the same hat the whole time. This is a stupid challenge. I am not a hat person. For this I read Persuasion by: Jane Austin.I gave it 3 stars. I am not a fan of her writing but wanted to finish up her books on my shelves.
6. Read a book with a beautiful spine. Okay this may be weird for you but I chose A skeleton in the family. This is a cozy mystery and a quick read for me. It is kind of cute don't you think. I gave this book 4 stars. There will be a review coming soon.
7. Read 7 books. For this I read Common Sense by: Thomas Paine. I gave this 3 stars.
As you can see I did get seven books read. I tried to pick small or quick read to be able to accomplish this. I had fun doing this. I do want to do this again next year and hopefully do more of the Instagram challenges. I hope you will try this readathon next year along with me.
Until next time keep reading.

Saturday, August 4, 2018

Barnes and Noble Book Haul

 In July I went to Barnes and Noble twice. They had a 4th of July sale and also I received coupons in the mail. I can't remember which trip I picked up these books so I just have them displayed as I bought them. All of these books I heard about and wanted to read them. Yes I know I have a lot to read but I like a variety to chose from. So let me tell you a little about each book.
Girl Made of Stars by: Ashley Herring Blake is about twins who are very close. The girl twin's friend accuse her brother (the boy twin) of rape. The girl twin doesn't know who to believe. This story takes you through that adventure and has a few surprises. I am not looking forward to read about rape but I am hoping this is a false tale. Long Way Down by: Jason Reynolds is a book told in verse. Not sure what this story is about. The book cover isn't telling you much. I just loved the cover. The Poppy War by: R.F. Kuang is another book I heard a lot about. It is about a girl who has aced the Empire wide test to  find the most talented youth to study at the academics. Everyone is surprised that a war orphan could pass these test without cheating.  This is her story. Eleanor Oliphant is completely fine by: Gail Honeyman is yet another book which has been getting a lot of notice. I want to read this to see what the hype is about. It was also a Reese  Witherspoon Book club pick. She struggles with appropriate social skills and tends to say exactly what she's thinking. My kind of lady. That is all I needed to know.
Now onto the next group of books. Calypso by: David Sedaris is a book that I got for really cheap. That is main reason why I bought it. It is a darker book so I may not like it. I don't tend to read these but I do enjoy listening to Stephen King when it isn't dark outside. Don't like scary at night. I do need to be able to sleep.Listen To Your Heart by: Kasie West is a Young adult contemporary. I have read a couple of her books and they are quick and sweet. Just something to lighten the day and a change up from my normal reads. Vicious by: V.E.Schwab is a fantasy book. I hardly read this type of book but I have read some. I heard she is a great writer so I am hoping that I will enjoy this book. The second book comes out soon and I want to see if I will like her. I have several other her books that I need to read so I am hoping she is good. Here is what the back of the book says. Victor and Eli started out as college roommates-brilliant, arrogant, lonely boys who recognized the same sharpness and ambition in each other. In their senior year, a shared research interest in adrenaline, near-death experiences, and seemingly supernatural events reveals an intriguing possibility: that under the right conditions, someone could develop extra-ordinary abilities. But when their thesis moves from the academic to the experimental, things go horribly wrong. Doesn't that sound exciting. Girl In The Blue Coat by: Monica Hesse. This book is set during the second world war. It is a historical fiction book. At the bottom of the back cover it says beautifully written, intricately plotted, and meticulously researched. This is an unforgettable story of bravery, grief and love in impossible times. That is enough for me to want to read this book. The last two books are a series and I bought them because I loved the this author when he co wrote the Illuminae series. He is a fantasy writer so I am hoping I will like these two books. There is a third book that will be coming out in September. It is basically a book about revenge. A woman is seeking vengeance against the powers that destroyed her family. In this world where she is living the sun almost never sets. Maybe I will like it. It sounds a little like The Mistborn Series. Won't know until I read it.
Well that is all that I bought brand new for the month of July. Hope this gives you some reading ideas.Until next time keep reading.

Thursday, August 2, 2018

July Wrap Up

 These are not the only books that I read this month. If you have been reading my previous post you will know that I have done quite a few readathons. These are the books that didn't fit into those readathons. The Stephen King book that I listened to this month was Thinner. I wasn't impressed with this book. The book is about a guy who starts losing weight at an amazing rate after coming in contact with a gypsy. He is pretty sure that he put a curse on him. The other two books I have a review up.
 I also read two classics. I wasn't thrilled with them. Both were slow going. I did enjoy reading Rebound to David. We even laughed in some places. This author wrotes in verse. It is better good once you get use to it.
I finished these the last two days of the month. You have to read Final Girls. It was a great thriller. The other book is short stories about the civil war and the possibility of ghost hanging around parts of where the civil war took place. Some stories are better than others.
So to wrap up I read 26 books that totaled 8799 pages. This average out to 284 pages a day. I read 12 books by female authors and 14 books by male authors. I had a great month of reading and read some amazing books.
Until next time keep reading

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

O.W.Ls Challenge

This is a new challenge that is out on YouTube that I decided to give a go. This challenge was actually done in April but I didn't find until late June and decided to try it in July. There are twelve exams in this challenge. You are to read a book in each area and you can't double up. I was able to finish eight of the exams. Here are the exams and the challenge .
Ancient Runes: A book with a symbol on the cover and I read the book The Wicked Deep. You will notice I also read this book for the biannual readathon.
Arithmacy: Read a book with a number on the cover or in the title. I didn't get this done
Astronomy: Read a science fiction book. Again I didn't get this done.
Care of Magical Creatures: Read a book that includes magical creatures or features a magical creature on the cover. I read The Mystic Horse. (Not shown borrowed from the library)
Charms: Read a Fantasy Book. Didn't do
Defense of the Dark Arts: Book about/featuring secret societies/clubs. Didn't do
Divination: Read a book featuring prophecies. I read Furyborn
Herbology: Read a book with a natured related work in the title. I read The Sun and Her Flowers. I also read this book for the Read-EH-Thon.
History of Magic: Read a Historical Fiction. I read I Survived the Children's Blizzard of 1888
Muggle Studies: Read a non fiction book. I read Trail Dust
Potions: Read a book about/with alchemy. I read A Clash of Kings (not shown again a library book)
Transfiguration: Read a book that deals with transfiguration/shapeshifting or similar theme or a book with a cat on the cover. I read the Silence in the Library.
I had fun doing this and it got me to read some books I probably wouldn't have read.
This is also in preparation for the NEWTS in August. This is the last exams that happen in the Harry Potter Series. You can do this challenge any time you want but you must do these before you can do the NEWTS. If you want to know about this you can go to You Tube and look up Book Roast and she goes into great detail. These are her challenges and she even has the paper work all ready for you copy to follow.
I hope you give this a try.
Until next time keep reading.