Sunday, August 18, 2024

One For the Hooks Book Review


One For The Hooks

By: Betty Hechtman

Crooked Lane Books

Mystery & Thrillers

Publish Date 10 August 2021

#OnefortheHooks #NetGalley

First, I want to thank NetGalley for giving me this e-arc for an honest review.

I just love reading cozy mysteries because you get a lot more than just a story. In this book, you get a crochet pattern and a recipe at the end of the book!

This is the 14th book in Hechtman’s Crochet mystery series. I have read and enjoyed each and every one of them, and this book was no exception. I gave this book 4 stars and had a blast reading it.

In One for the Hooks, Molly is dealing with her oldest son who has moved into her home without asking and is now taking over. He also has a pregnant girlfriend has a girlfriend, who he has never mentioned. In addition to this family drama, Molly is also dealing with a police detective ex-boyfriend, and her current boyfriend who is a lawyer.

Molly works as the assistant manager for a bookstore. Her responsibilities also include overseeing events held at the store. Another one of things she is charge of is the yarn section of the store, where they teach crochet and hold other such events. A real estate agent contacts Molly at an event to ask her if she would be interested in buying some yarn for the store. She goes over to have a look only to find that there are only small sample of yarn, so she has to come up with an idea that uses small yarn amounts. She does come up with an idea and decides to purchase the yarn. When she goes to pick it up, the real estate agent is attacked by a drone and dies.

The police are saying it is an accident, but Molly isn’t so sure. She ends up helping her ex-boyfriend solve the case by talking with the neighbors and finding out somethings that he wasn’t able to.

Was it an accident or was it murder? You will have to read the book. What about her relationships with the two men? What about her son and his girlfriend? Again, you will have to read the book to find out! I suggest that you start with book one so you can get the whole picture of the characters and the setting.

I had a wonderful time reading this book and find that they are pretty quick reads, perfect for a weekend. I hope you read this series, as it is great fun.

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