Tuesday, March 31, 2020

O.W.L.S. Magical Readathon TBR

It is that time of year again where it Harry Potter time and the OWLS. It runs for the whole month of April. I enjoy doing this readathon just because it is fun and it gives me a variety of books to read. I will put the YouTube announcement below along with my career and the books I will be reading.

She does a great job with this readathon. I hope you decide to join in on the fun. For my career I chose to do Culinary Sorcerer and to do the extra class of Merpeople linguistics. The first four books are the books I must read for my career and extra class. The other eight will be extras but I want to see if I can read all twelve prompts.

 This book will be for Arithmancy and the prompt is magical qualities of number 2: balance/opposites-read something outside your favorite genre. This is a book of poetry and that is way outside my favorite genre.
 Charms is the next prompt I need to read. Charms prompt is to read a white cover. I have decided to read the second book in the Magic Misfits series. This book was also mentioned in my 20 books I want to read in 2020.
 This is my herbology book which is to read a book that starts with the letter M. I also mentioned this book in a previous post about the books I still need to read by my favorite author. I need to read this book also for the Merpeople linguistics class.
 The last book I need to read for my career is potions which is to read a book under 150 pages. This was hard to find because most of my books are over 200 pages. This book is about a song in my churches hymnal.
 This book is for the Defence Against the Dark Arts. Read a book set at the sea/coast
 Transfiguration: book/series that includes shapeshifting. This is book 12 of a long series in the Anita Blake Vampire Hunter Series. Lots of shape shifting and vampires.
 Astronomy: night classes: read majority of this book when it's dark outside. This is the second book in a series I need to finish.
 Care of Magical Creatures: Creature with a beak on the cover. This is the third and final book of the above series. This will finish a series.
 Divination: Third eye: assign numbers to your TBR and use a random number generator to pick your read.
 History of Magic: Witch hunts: book featuring witches/wizards. I was suppose to read this book in January.
 Muggle Studies: Book from a perspective of a muggle (contemporary)
Ancient Runes: heart on the cover or in the title.

I hope you decide to join in on the fun. It is a perfect readathon to help you through these times right now. If you decide to join what career are you going for?
Until next time keep safe and keep reading.

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