Monday, January 1, 2018

Last Week December Reads

Here is what I read for the last week of December. I actually got a lot of reading done this week. It is amazing what one can read when things slow down. A lot of the books were short middle grade books that I have had around the house for awhile and decided to get them read since they are quick reads for me. I am sorry you really can't see the titles but I will write them here. I finally got Harry Potter and the cursed child read. I liked it but do have a hard time reading a book in script or play format. I read this book to David so even though it only took Aryan and Tara one day to read it took me most of the month to read. The next book is a short biography about J.K. Rowling. The book is a middle grade biography. The next one is Orange is the new Black. This book has been around for a while and Netflix has a series about this book. I listened to this book. I wasn't a huge a fan of it. The next two books were by Roald Dahl and they are Esio Trot and  The Vicar of Nibbleswicke. I didn't even know these books were around until I went to use book store and saw them and picked them up. They were nice quick reads and I enjoyed them. Of course I like most of his books. Onto the next biography which is Crispus Attucks. I never heard of him before even though I should have known. I will give a spoiler here he was the first man who was killed in the Boston Massacre.  He was born into slavery and eventually escaped and became a harpooner. I love history and so enjoy learning something new; and I really like this time period. The last book I read was the Black Pearl. This book is the sequel to the Pearl by Scott O'Dell. Again I am not a fan of this author. I have read many of his books and I just struggle with his writing. I keep trying though.
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I lied this was the last book I read. Actually I listened to this book. This is book 5 of the Mistborn series. I am not liking these last couple of books to this series. You really don't need to read these books because it is a different story line than the first 3 books. These books are just a spin off of the original.
So for the week I read 2300 pages. This was a really good week.
So for the total number of books I read for the year ended up being 224 books. My goal for 2018 is to at least read 150 books. And I will probably pass that but who knows.
Until next time keep reading.

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