Wednesday, June 2, 2021

June 2021 TBR


Here is my June TBR for 2021. This is only a portion. I am participating in two readathons this month and I will put the announcement videos down below. Since this is a huge pile I will be listening to a good portion of them.

Here is the first announcement.

And the second one.

Both of these sound like fun and they go for the whole month.

Now onto my books and the prompts they will fill.

This is for the prompt a 5 star prediction for the whateverathon.  I pledged to read 10 middle-grade books for the whateveraton. For my personal challenge I am using this for a short story. I try to read one every month.

I am using this for the boxofficeathon. This is for roll 2 prompt which is read a historical fiction or classic in e-book form. I received this as an e-arc from NetGalley. It doesn't come out until September.

This is from last years top ten post of classics I need to read. I read a classic a month. For the Whateverathon it fills the prompt out of comfort zone. I don't enjoy reading classics but I need to get them off my shelves.
I read a scriptural related book every month. I try to read about 30 minutes a day. This is just for my personal challenge.
This is for the booktube spin #2. 
This is for the whateveraton covering the prompt of disability rep. Also a couple of months ago it was the Page Turners book club choice.
This is for the whateveraton prompt of Author's Debut.
Knockout Challenge of reading a  LGBTQA+ book
This book will cover the whateverathon prompt of rereading a book. It also will do the same for the #yearathon prompt of a reread. There is a summer buddy read with Chantel from Chantel at an Intentional Life. This is the June book.
Another book to get off my shelves.
Whateverathon prompt of indie/self publish book. This is another book for my 10 book middle-grade pledge.
Another book for my whateverathon middle-grade pledge and the prompt of POC Rep.

This is for the Whateverathon prompt of Hailed in the past year. book towards my pledge. My personal challenge of catching up on series.
Whateverathon prompt of Title Last Letter/Title First Letter. pledge for middle-grade.
Bookshelf challenge of reading a book with an animal on the cover. Pledged book for whateverathon.
This is an arc from Amazon Vine program. pledge for whateverathon and for the prompt of pride flag.
Whateverathon prompt of team color (orange) and pledge. Personal challenge of catching up on series.
Whateverathon prompt of poll and pledge. Personal challenge of finishing a series.
Whateverathon prompt of buddy read and pledge.
This is for my personal challenge. I try to read a non-fiction a month this is the pick for that. I will read it for 30 minutes a day. It is also a family recommend book. I have added to my 21 books to read in 2021. I borrowed this book from my youngest daughter, Ashley.
This is the book I chose for the buzzword group on goodreads. The prompt was to read a book with a name/title in it.

The last book so far. The boxofficeathon does two rolls a week so I have to wait for the next rolls. This is from the first roll which is to read a medium pace fantasy/sci-fi book. The whateverathon prompt is to read a book from a TBR game. this is also a family recommended book. Knockout challenge of a rainbow and my personal challenge of reading a tome a month. It is also one my 21 books in 2021 challenge.

I haven't counted the books and know that more will go on it for the second readathon. Audio will be my lifesaver this month.
Have you read any of these books? Did you like them? Are you doing any readathons this month and if so which ones? I will keep you posted on how I do and what I think of these books. Keep an eye out for my weekly wrap-ups.
Until next time keep reading.

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