Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Library Haul

This is going to be a different type of haul today. I am always going to the library and every time I go I usually pick up books. I have decided to show you some of the books that I picked up in February. Yes, I know it is March and I am behind, but I am slowly catching up.
Sorry you can't see some of the books very well. I will start from the back (the ones you can't see well).
The Seamstress is about the 2nd world war and it is about a seamstress who struggles to survive. She is not Jewish but from a large family. This is based on a true story.
Ever The Hunted and Ever The Brave is a duology about a girl who has powers and people are afraid of her and because of this fear don't like her and try to take her life and anyone else who shows power (magic).
I didn't get a chance to read The Hearts of Invisible Furies before I had to return it. It has won an award and I have read his book the Boy in the Stripped Pajamas and really like it.
The Clockwork Angel I am listening to in the car. I am not liking this book so far. I really liked her Mortal Instrument series, so I am kind of disappointed.
I already read Shadows in Flight this finished off the series. It talks about Bean children who has the same disease as he does. It was okay. Glad to be done with that series.
Girl in Pieces talks about mental health issues.
Darkfever is about faes in Ireland. Maybe I will like it. It is different for me. The only problem is that is a series with many books. Don't know if I want to start another series right now.
The last book is another graphic novel and I am not sure I will read this. It is the sequel to the one I read earlier in February.
The library always have so many books that I want to read so as normal I pick up more than I can possible read in the allowed time. Oh well.
Until next time keep reading.

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