Saturday, April 14, 2018

April Book Of The Month

As you know I get some of my books from this club every month. You at able to choose up to three books a month. The first book is 14.99 and the other two books cost 9.99 each. The books are hardback and new. Shipping is free. You don't have to get any books if you don't want to for the month. Most of the books I get are mystery because I like them. Every now and then I get a different genre. So onto the books. The first book I chose because I have heard a lot about and I have decided it was time to see what the hype is about. The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by: Taylor Jenkins Reid is a contemporary book. This book is about an actress who has decided to allow someone to write about her life. She chooses a less known reporter to be the writer. The reporter is going through some rough times and can't figure out why she was chosen to be the writer. Then She Was Gone by: Lisa Jewel is a thriller about a teenage girl who disappears. They don't know how or where she went. She has been missing for 10 years. Because this is a thriller I don't want to know to much about it before I read it. The last book I picked up is Our Kind of Cruelty by: Araminta Hall. This book is a darkly twisted love story- one that draws razor-sharp lines between love and obsession, between truth and perception, and dares you to pick a side. This sounds oh so good to read. Here is my referral link if you are interested in giving this a try you will get a free book.
I hope you give this a try, I know you won't regret it.
Until next time keep reading.

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