Tuesday, January 21, 2020

The Thousand Pages Readathon TBR

 I have decided to join this readathon because I usually can read a thousand pages in a week. This readathon is actually two weeks long. It goes from January 20th to February 2nd. I will probably finish all my pages this week. The challenges are really simple even for there being 7 of them. Here are the challenges. 1. Post your TBR 2. Start a book. 3. Read 500 pages. 4. Complete a reading sprint ( this one I probably won't get done). 5. Post a picture of your reading space. ( This is going to be done when I post this because my reading area is this blogs header). 6. Finish a book. 7. Read 1,000 pages. See what I mean really simple. I will be cheating a little with two graphic novels. This will break up my 2 books that are over 300 pages. My total page count will be 1041 pages when thy are all read. Now onto the books. 99 Percent Mine By: Sally Thorne is about Darcy Barrett and Tom Valeska. Here is what the back of the book says. Darcy Barrett has undertaken a global survey of men. She's traveled the world and can categorically say that no one measures up to Tom Valeska, whose only flaw is that Jamie, Darcy's twin brother, saw him first and claimed him forever as his best friend. Despite Darcy's best efforts, Tom's off limits and loyal to brother, 99 percent. That's the problem with finding her dream man at age eight and peaking in her photography career at age twenty-eve since, she's had to learn to settle for good enough. Mera tidebreaker By: Danielle Paige This origin story for Mera and Aquaman that explores Mera's first steps on land, as well as her first steps as a hero or villain, forcing her to choose to follow her heart or her mission to kill. Ans astonishing story that explores duty, love, heroism, and freedom, all through the eyes of readers' favorite undersea royalty.  The Tea Dragon Festival By: Katie O'Neill. This is the second book in the Tea Dragon Society Series. This is a cute graphic novel and every one should read it. Rinn has grown up with the Tea Dragons that inhabit their village, but stumbling across a real dragon turns out to be a different matter entirely! Aedhan is a young dragon who was appointed to protect the village, but fell asleep in the forest eighty years ago. With the aid of inn's adventuring uncle Erik and his partner Hesekiel, they investigate the mystery of his enchanted sleep...but Rinn's real challenge is to help Aedhan come to terms with feeling that he cannot get back the time he has lost.
This book is about Native American lady and a tycoon's son.
Raised to rule, bred to lead and weaned on a diet of ruthless ambition. In a world of haves and have nots, my family has it all, and I want nothing to do with it.
My path takes me far from home and paints me as the black sheep. At odds with my father, I'm determined to build my own empire. I have rules, but Lennix Hunter is the exception to every one of them. From the moment we meet, something sparks between us. But my family stole from hers and my father is the man she hates most. I lied to have her, and would do anything to keep her. Though she tries to hate me, too, the inexorable pull between us will not be denied.
And neither will I.
Yes this is another romance book and I am already reading it. It is good so far. I just want to finish all my romance books on my shelves.
That is my TBR for this readathon. Our going to join in, there is still time to do this.
Until next time keep reading.

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